Job Description

Our values

In the Huttenlocher laboratory, we strive to discover new cell biological mechanisms during inflammation and its resolution and their implications for human disease. We aim to achieve these goals by forming a cohesive and interactive laboratory environment that is highly collaborative both within and outside our laboratory. We believe in scientific rigor and enjoy the unexpected result. We also strive to share our research findings with the community as quickly as possible through presentations at national and international meetings and by sharing our work through pre-print servers. Our overall goal is an inclusive and supportive research environment that fosters the creative pursuit of science and new discovery.

Our mission

The goal of the Huttenlocher laboratory is to understand how cells migrate and communicate with other cells during inflammation, cancer, and tissue repair. We work across disciplines to achieve these goals and take advantage of advanced live imaging, quantitative analysis, and bioengineering systems to answer questions relevant to human disease. To achieve these goals, we use zebrafish amenable to real-time imaging of cell migration and inflammation. We also use human iPS cells to engineer innate immune cells that are studied in organotypic models in vitro. Students and postdocs are encouraged to pursue challenging problems in biomedical research that address fundamental questions of interest.

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